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The advantages of the central feed system

Source: Popularity:5215 Publication time:2017-11-23 16:18:10 smallmiddlebig

Speaking of the central feed I believe many factories have the use of central centralized feeding system uses microcomputer centralized automatic control, to achieve a continuous supply of pellets 24 hours a day, to all feeding equipment control and prevent the storage The phenomenon of the warehouse block, by setting the central monitoring station to achieve full automation, the advantages of the central feed system what? Last shared the central feed system is what the working principle, Hengrong technicians today to take you know the central feeding system The advantages.


1, environmental protection
Central feeding system will make raw materials and dust on the injection molding production pollution to the lowest extent, which can maintain a clean production workshop, and the central feeding system, a unique centralized dust recovery system, cleaning more convenient and environmental effects is to achieve 10 Wan cleanroom operations require standards and reduce noise, and ultimately can achieve unmanned automated production workshop.

2, personalized
The central feeding system can be used by different users, different workshop features, different raw material requirements, can be designed according to the actual needs of the optimal program.

3, efficient
The central feeding system enables the automatic feeding of a wide range of raw materials to any multi-chamber injection molding machine. This includes the drying of raw materials, the color matching process, and the use of screened recycling materials, enabling a high degree of automation, Monitoring, etc., and can meet the 24-hour non-stop production needs.

4, energy saving
The central feed system is easy to operate, requiring only a few people to control the entire injection molding plant's supply requirements, thereby reducing labor costs and, secondly, reducing the number of raw material belts and associated auxiliaries next to the injection molding machine. Space utilization.

What are the advantages of the central feed system to share today, the central feed system uses vacuum transmission, through the central pipeline system to transfer plastic raw materials from the storage tank to the central dehumidification drying system, and then the dried feedstock To each injection molding machine, in addition, due to the use of the central feeding approach, corresponding to reduce a lot of stand-alone equipment, it saves electricity and reduce maintenance costs.

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